Being able to use a text editor is probably one of the most critical skills to have as a system administrator. You constantly need to edit con fig files, write scripts or make changes to system files …….. all of which require you to use a text editor.
Vi(or) Vim: Text editor with great flexibility. Emacs : similar to vi, an advanced text editor with many features. Nano : A basic text editor for quick editing
Syn: Vim [arguments] [file] Arguments: - R -----> opens a file in read –only mode - o -----> Open two files at a time + -----> Starts at the end of the file + <rum> -----> Start at line <num> Insert mode options: i --------> To begin insert mode at the current cursor position. I -------->To Insert at the beginning of the current line a-------->To append to the next word’s letter. A --------> To append at the end of the line o -------->To insert a new line below the cursor position. O --------> To Insert a new line above the cursor position. Commands for command mode: e --------> Moves to the end of a word b --------> Moves to the beginning of a word. $ -------->Moves to the end of a line. ˄ -------->Moves to the beginning of a line H -------->Moves to the first line onscreen M --------> Moves to the middle line onscreen L -------->Moves to the last line onscreen x (nx) -------->Deletes current character. dd (ndd)-------->Deletes the current line dw (ndw)-------->Deletes current word. Yy(nyy) --------> yanks (copies) the current line p -------->paste below the cursor line P -------->paste above the cursor line U-------->undo the last action. gg(ngg)-------->go to beginning of the file G -------->End of the file. W (n)-------->To move the cursor forward, word by word. b(n) --------> To move the cursor back word, word by word Ctrl +f -------->To forward one page. Ctrl +b -------->To back word one page. / -------->To search a word in the file. n -------->Find next occurrence of search word. N --------> find previous occurrence of search word. . --------> Repeat last command action. Commands for last line mode: :q -------->To quit without saving :w -------->To save the changes :wq -------->To save & quit :wq! (or) :x --------> To save & quit with forcefully. :set nu (or) :se nu -------> To setting line numbers. :set nonu (or) :se nonu------> To remove line numbers. :n ------>Jumps to line n :$d ------>To delete last line :! <unixcmd> ------> To execute unix cmds :x ------>To give password to the file and remove password. :/storing / ------>search a word in the file.
Desired to gain proficiency on Linux ? Explore the blog post on Linux training online to become a pro in Linux.
: % S/root/dog/ To replace storing “dog” for the first instance : %s/root/dog/g For each instance of a line. : %s/root/dog/gi To ignore case sensitive : %s/root/dog/gc ask for confirmation
Any unix command can be Executed from the vi command line by typing an “!” before the unix command. EX: : ! Pwd : r ! data Reads the results from the date command into a new line following the cursor : r ! cat file1
: 1,4 CO 10
: 3,7 mo 8
: 1,30 w test1
: 8,20 w >> test1
: r/etc/passwd Managing two files at time: $vim -0 file1 file2 (or) $vim file1 file2 Options: :n ----> edit next file (file2) :rew ----> Rewind to the file (file1) (or)
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